Field | Type | Description |
id | UUID | A datandard specific id. |
store | Enum | Either “Google” or “Apple” indicating which store the name is from. |
name | String | The name of the name |
description | Text | The publisher provided description of the app in plain text. See the language parameters that indicates the expected language of all content. |
summary | Text | The publisher provided summary of the app in plain text. |
installs | String | A string containing a number or range of expected installs of this app. Please note that this is not the number of active installs or active users, but an indication of the number of times an app was installed on a device. This is a human readable number, for example “1,000,000+”. |
min_installs | Integer | A lower bound of the number of installs. |
real_installs | Integer | A provide real number of install. This is not always available. |
score | Float | The average rating of the app. |
ratings | Integer | The number of ratings an app has reviewed. |
reviews | Integer | The number of reviews. |
price | String | The price of the app. See also currency field. |
free | Boolean | Indicates if the app is free. This is only available for Google Play Apps. |
currency | String | The currency of the price of the app. For example “USD”. |
sale | Boolean | This is only available for Google Play Apps. |
offers_iap | Boolean | If the app offers purchases in the app. |
in_app_product_price | String | A human readable indication of the price of items inside the app. For example “$3.99 per item”. |
privacy_policy | String | A url to the privacy policy |
genre | String | The genre / category of the app. For example “Travel”. This is for the main genre, see “categories” for more. |
genre_id | String | The store specific genre id. This is numeric for the Apple App Store and an uppercase identifier for Google Play. This is for the main genre, see “categories” for more. |
icon | String | An url to the app icon. |
header_image | String | An url to the app header image. |
screenshots | List | A list of screenshots of the app. |
categories | List | A structured object of the genres this app is linked to. For example:
{"genres": "Finance,Business", "genreIds": "6015,6000"} |
video | String | An url to the app video. |
video_image | String | Picture representing the app video. |
content_rating | String | Indicating the recommended audience of the application. For example “3+” or “Everyone”. |
content_rating_description | String | Containing additional context for the content rating. For example “Violence, Blood”. |
ad_supported | Boolean | If the app supports ads. |
contains_ads | Boolean | If the app contains ads. |
released_at | Timestamp | When the app was released to the store. |
changed_at | Timestamp | The last release to the store. |
version | String | A developer supplied version. |
app_id | String | The bundle id of the app. For example com.mytravaly.mytravaly . See also the track_id for Apple Apps. |
url | String | URL to the app listing in the store. |
country | String | 2 letter country code for the app store. |
language | String | 2 letter country code for the app store. |
is_gamecenter_enabled | Boolean | If this app integrates with the Apple GameCEnter |
features | String | Features enabled. For example gameCenter,iosUniversal |
supported_devices | String | Which devices supports this app. For example
iPhone5s-iPhone5s,iPadAir-iPadAir,iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular |
kind | String | The categorization of the app. For example software . |
release_notes | Text | The developer provided release notes. |
is_vpp_device_based_licensing_enabled | Boolean | |
track_id | String | A numeric unique identifier for the Apple Appstore. |
country_codes | List | A list of country codes where this app is available. |
filesize_bytes | Integer | The size of the app download. |
advisories | Text | Additional context of the content rating. For example: “Infrequent/Mild Medical/Treatment Information” |
current_version_rating | Float | The average rating of the current version. |
current_version_count | Integer | The number of ratings the current version has received. |
minimum_os_version | String | The minimum os version required to run this app. |
stars_1 | Integer | The number of ratings where 1 star was given. |
stars_2 | Integer | The number of ratings where 2 stars was given. |
stars_3 | Integer | The number of ratings where 3 stars was given. |
stars_4 | Integer | The number of ratings where 4 stars was given. |
stars_5 | Integer | The number of ratings where 5 stars was given. |
publisher_id | UUID | A reference to the publisher. |
permissions | JSON | A structure of permissions the app is allowed to prompt for. For example:
{"Other": ["control vibration", "full network access", "prevent device from sleeping", "run at startup", "view network connections"], "Uncategorized": ["receive data from Internet"]} |
formatted_price | String | A human readable version of the price. |
seller_name | String | The seller name (Organization). |
track_censored_name | String | A censored version of the track name (app name). |
seller_url | String | Url of the app. |